Trustworthy interactions.
When you consider a coaching process at Hudson Nordic, we invite you in for a free and non-binding meeting with the coach that will be able to match your needs. We also call it a chemistry meeting.
Because our goals are clear: you must feel that your journey is a success – and you must believe that together we can create the change and development that you dream of. Therefore, it is a prerequisite that you and your coach have good chemistry, a strong interaction – and probably more important: that you feel safe.
Together, we form a picture of you, your challenges and your reality by looking at your goals and your company’s expectations for you. We also focus on your motivation in terms of even going into a coaching process:
What motivates you when you’re the best version of yourself? What are you struggling with? How big do you dare to dream? And how much are you willing to work with yourself — to achieve your dreams?

One size fits none.
There is no fixed formula on a perfect coaching process. Therefore, there are no correct answers either. Because not everyone is going where you are going.
At Hudson Nordic, we know from experience that some ingredients are crucial in any good coaching process. Especially trust and teamwork. Because you are going to pull on your training clothes yourself and do the hard work, but we are with you all the way.
If you want us to be part of the journey. Because… While hopefully, it will also be fun and a bit of a game-changer for you, the journey will probably be difficult and challenging at times. We can promise you this. When you are finished, you will only regret one thing: That you didn’t start a long time ago.
For us, development is not only to optimize the skills you have been successful with so far. Because what brought you here does not necessarily bring you further. That’s why we’re helping you become aware of your Executive Presence.
Neither character, substance, nor style can stand alone. All three facets help you to be a whole leader – whether you need to navigate progress or adversity. Do you have the courage to be challenged, create crucial changes in your career and get the tools to change what you need to change to get where you want to go?
Consciousness, consciousness, consciousness…
None of us can move and grow if we do not become aware of what might prevent us from succeeding – as well as what patterns we draw with us through our lives. Together, we increase your awareness of which triggers might prevent you from moving forward in your career or succeeding with your leadership role.
Together, we create insight into everything that will help you to work in balance with yourself and your surroundings, both on the job and privately. Because at Hudson Nordic, we believe that balance is a prerequisite for you to thrive and succeed – and at the same time help others achieve the same.
The best advice is your own.
You will not be the best in the world at tennis if you don’t practice. A lot. Even when the weather is terrible. And you are tired. And the results do not appear. You will not be the best in the world if you’re not ready to face your challenges and do something about them.
That is also the case when you have to work with yourself. It’s not always fun, but it is necessary to get to a point that feels downright amazing.
Throughout the process, you will experience being in a safe environment where we practice specific cases from your reality. It’s basically about going to an intensive training camp focusing on genuine challenges and obstacles from your everyday life.
The training takes place continuously during our sessions, as well as in your everyday life. But that’s not all. We also focus on how you act in specific situations, how you influence your surroundings, how to best succeed in what is important to you – and what ‘truths’ you tell yourself.
Practice makes perfect…
Together we focus on the areas and methods that give you the best effect. You have to ‘play a match’ every single day, and we provide you with the perfect training facilities where everything can be tried out and challenged – completely adapted to you and your needs.
We anchor the training through repetition, continuous improvement and not least by continually testing/examining the degree to which you master what you need to become better. We know from experience that repetition increases the likelihood of success of the more durable and thus fun kind.
We won’t let you go.
A coaching process is much more than just a series of conversations between two people. It is a strong relationship that focuses on you, your abilities, your challenges, your reality and your dreams. A relationship that we value and have great respect for. That is why we won’t let you go quickly.
After your coaching process, we will contact you after 6 and 12 months, respectively – if you wish, of course – to find out where you are in relation to your goals, how your course with us has helped you, and how you may wish to develop further.
At Hudson Nordic, we help you create the framework for everything that can make you an excellent leader based on your personality – and we help you move both yourself and others successfully.