Welcome to Hudson Inspiration

Hudson Nordic cooperating with Scientists, Consultants and Researchers
In collaboration and dialogue with scientists, researchers, change and agile leaders within Digital Innovation and innovative business leaders, we strive to push relevant topics, sharing research and business insights for your organizational development
and your next level of leadership.

How to Make Time Work for You
We know that time is precious to you. Like the rest of the Western world, you probably see time as scarce and think of time as having a beginning and an end. Even though it is important to stick to deadlines and not waste time, it is even more important not to become a slave of time. In fact, there are ways, where you can make time work for you!
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HYBRIT – SSAB, LKAB & Vattenfall A revolutionary journey!
The joint venture between SSAB, LKAB and Vattenfall have now produced the world’s first hydrogen-reduced sponge iron at a pilot scale.
The technological breakthrough in the HYBRIT initiative captures around 90% of emissions in conjunction with steelmaking and is a decisive step on the journey to fossil-free steel.

Implementing Change: A Christmas Present That Lasts
Is there actually a great difference between implementing change in an African slum compared to implementing change in a large, corporate business in Northern Europe? And how can we learn from NGUVU; an organisation that supports single women in Kenya by giving them a job, an opportunity for education, and means to support themselves?
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Next Level Leadership: The Mindful Leader
Every day, Business Executives come to Hudson Nordic for coaching and advice. Some of these Executives wish not only to connect within but also to connect with other leaders that share similar career paths, interests and mindsets. At Hudson Nordic, we experience growing demand and a longing for “connectedness”, which is why we are launching our new concept “Next Level Leadership” in partnership with Buddhist Teacher Marie Kronquist.
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Can we really be free of biases and prejudices?
At Hudson Nordic, we believe that to create lasting change, you need to understand the fundamentals. If we are to talk about objectivity, evidence-based strategies, and rational decision making, we need first to establish why this is even an issue. Why is objectivity so hard to crack? The answer lies deep within the realms of human cognition, which is why we are starting this journey towards objectivity at a fundamental level, i.e. the human perceptive system.
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Is Craving Freedom a Human Condition?
Gig Economy is growing in scale and popularity. Establishing itself as a new kind of economy, the Gig Economy is far from being just another trend; it is forcing social scientists to rethink the structures of the global labour market. We at Hudson Nordic know that Gig Economy in the form of Contracting is inevitable in the future of recruitment solutions. To us it is only natural to develop and implement a new Contracting programme that we will be launching in only a matter of days.
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Gig Economy, Freelancing and Contracting. What Is the Difference and Is It Almost Like Ordering an Uber?
Gig Economy is on the rise and is here to stay. But what is Gig Economy, and is there a difference between Freelancing and Contracting? And even when understanding Gig Economy, why would someone hire a third-party vendor like Hudson Nordic to do the matching? Finally, and perhaps the biggest puzzle of all, is of course, what Uber has got to do with this? These questions will be covered in this article.
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Den fine balancekunst at udvikle og fastholde dine nøgletalenter – på distancen og midt i en krisetid
Nutidens ledere møder en hverdag i stor forandring, når det kommer til at motivere og inspirere deres medarbejdere. Vi kan lige så godt begynde at overveje, hvad der skal til af nye tiltag og værktøjer, når det kommer til at udvikle og fastholde talenterne. Det er nødvendigt at være forberedt på, hvad der venter på den anden side af krisen.
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Diversitet – også i ledelsen
Danmark har nogle af verdens højeste beskæftigelses- og uddannelsesniveauer for kvinder. Det betyder dog ikke at kvinder er tydeligt repræsenteret rundt på de danske ledelsesgange. Faktisk besad kun omkring 19 pct. af kvinder alle bestyrelsesposter og kun 14,8 pct. ledende stillinger i de danske virksomheder i 2017. Sammen med forskere på Copenhagen Business School og tyve, danske rekrutteringsvirksomheder har Hudson Nordic sat sig for, at støtte en udvikling i antallet af kvinder i ledelsen i det danske erhvervsliv.
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Empati, ægthed, sårbarhed og modstandskraft. Den svære kunst at lede under en (Corona)krise.
Lige nu står alle danske ledere og topledere overfor de samme dilemmaer, idet alt som sker rundt om os fremstår komplekst, usikkert og uklart. Og derfor er der ingen tvivl om, at Corona-krisen og kriser i det hele stiller særligt store krav til ledelsen. Til dette har Ola Lenes, PCC Executive Coach og Managing Partner hos Hudson Nordic, nogle refleksioner og betragtninger.
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Leadership in the moment of truth
Blogpost by Thomas Enstad, March 2020
In this very moment, the world is in chaos. The pandemic is raging and has fluctuated us into an economic crisis of unknown proportions. The rings in the water have not yet settled and we stand before what Hemingway defined as a moment of truth. A moment that potentially will influence you, both as leaders and as a human.
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