The beginning of successful collaborations.

What can we help with?

Beskriv gärna vad du vill bli kontaktad om. Det gör att vi kan hjälpa dig så gott som möjligt.

We listen, advise and guide.

…and rather spend too much than too little time getting to the heart of your need. You are always welcome to contact us for dialogue about challenges , needs, opportunities and potential. Thanks to many good and less good experiences, many lessons learned, insights, insight and ongoing monitoring of the world around us, we can strengthen and guide you and the organization past pitfalls towards your vision, good results and fine development.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Kontor Göteborg (HQ):
Vallgatan 19, 411 16

Kontor Stockholm:

NBC34, Nybrogatan 34

114 39 Stockholm


The same applies to you as a candidate.

In order to find the right challenge and career step, as well as recommend the right employer  for you, we need to understand your driving forces and wishes. Feel free to start by registering your profile with CV in our candidate database or look at job opportunities under – vacancies.